


卡拉Wall-Scheffler, Ph.D. 和 珍妮Tenlen, Ph.D.


  • 辛迪·毕晓普,DVM
  • 韦德·格拉博博士
  • 本·麦克法兰博士
  • 夏洛特·普拉特博士
  • 德里克·伍德博士


  • 李维Clum


The 学前健康科学专业 (产后大出血) program at SPU offers specialized advising 和 coursework to prepare students for graduate-level professional training in all areas of health care. 赌博十大靠谱软件的毕业生成为医生, 兽医, 物理和职业治疗师, 医师助理, 牙医, 药剂师, 遗传咨询师, 足病医师, 和验光师. 在过去的五年里, SPU学生在医学院的录取率达到75%, 而全国平均水平约为40%.

SPU believes that students applying to professional schools should demonstrate academic competence, 愿意为他人服务, 并且熟悉他们所选择的职业的要求. 相应的, 产后大出血计划帮助指导学生在适当的学术课程中取得成功, 致力于志愿服务, 并观察工作中的专业人士. 最重要的是, students are encouraged to use their entire college experience as a time to develop a strong sense of vocation 和 to be able to clearly articulate their professional 和 personal goals.


The formal component of the 产后大出血 program consists of a series of unique one- 和 two-credit courses that provide instruction as well as inspiration 和 peer support. These courses offer opportunities for self-reflection to complement the mentoring by knowledgeable faculty 和 clinical professionals. 学生学习产后大出血 1200(卫生专业导论), 1 credit) during their first year in order to learn more about the wide variety of health care professions 和 to explore narrative medicine 和 social justice issues that impact health care systems.

学生在第二年参加产后大出血 1800(卫生保健职业研讨会,1学分). 产后大出血 1800研讨会更深入地探讨了职业识别的过程. Both the 1200 和 1800 courses include reading 和 writing assignments along with presentations by practicing clinicians who can offer an insider’s perspective. The courses also provide practical guidance for students initiating volunteer work 和 clinical observations as part of their active professional development.

在头两年, each student’s faculty advisor meets regularly with the student to monitor their progress in all academic subjects. 学生应该选择既具有挑战性又符合个人兴趣的课程. 第一年的低分并不会终结你的职业生涯, but it is important for a student to achieve an upward-trending grade-point average over the course of their college studies. It is possible to repeat a course 和 take a similar upper-level course in order to demonstrate mastery of the subject.

大多数产后大出血学生主修生理学, 生物化学, 或应用人类生物学, which include the coursework typically required for admission into different types of graduate training programs. 然而, 专业预科学生可以选择任何专业, provided they enroll in additional courses to fulfil specific pre-requisites for admission to a professional school. 除了生物学,所有学生都应该探索人文和社会科学, 化学, 物理, 和数学. Competent 和 compassionate care providers must develop skills to communicate effectively with patients 和 underst和 their physical, 精神上的, 情感需求.


在他们的第三或第四年, 计划申请医学专业的学生, 牙科, 或兽医医学院被指派一名公共卫生服务顾问, a faculty member who works alongside the 产后大出血 program director 和 supplements the guidance of the student’s regular faculty advisor. The 产后大出血 advisor provides individualized coaching for students preparing for the competitive application process. 到这里为止, students must have achieved an acceptable grade-point average (GPA) 和 have accumulated a significant number of hours volunteering 和 job-shadowing. 注意3.0 is the minimum GPA for most graduate programs; medical schools require a GPA of at least 3.5.


Pre-medical 和 pre-牙科 students who have completed 产后大出血 1200 和 产后大出血 1800 enroll in 产后大出血 3400 (Application Workshop, (2学分)在第三或第四年的秋天. 学生追求其他类型的培训也鼓励报名参加产后大出血 3400. 工作坊是学生撰写个人陈述的机会, 向教授和非学术导师申请推荐信, 并组装其他申请材料.

Students typically apply to professional schools in the spring of their final year at SPU or one or two years after graduation. 毕业生即使离开校园,也可以继续利用产后大出血的咨询系统. 对于许多申请者来说, a “gap year” or two between application 和 matriculation at a professional school is a valuable time for further personal growth. 一些职业学校青睐年龄较大、有工作经验的申请人, which puts early applicants—those applying at the end of their third college year 和 not taking a gap year—at a distinct disadvantage. The 产后大出血 advisor helps each student to craft a competitive application 和 choose an appropriate timeline for applying to professional schools.


A key part of the 产后大出血 process for applicants to medical 和 牙科 schools is the “mock interview,” where the student is questioned by a panel of SPU faculty 和 staff 和 receives formative feedback to consider in advance of an actual interview at a professional school. 模拟面试之后, the committee chair (often the student’s 产后大出血 advisor) writes a letter on behalf of the interview committee to summarize the student’s accomplishments 和 readiness for training in medicine or dentistry. A comprehensive committee letter supplements the assessments provided in individual letters of recommendation 和 is considered to be an excellent mechanism for conveying each student’s potential for success as a health care professional.

只有参加过正式委员会程序的学生, 比如SPU的产后大出血项目, 是否有资格在申请专业学校时附上委员会的信. 全面参与公共卫生服务计划, 从SPU的第一年开始, gives pre-professional students all the advantages of the committee letter as well as the support 和 guidance of the 产后大出血 advisor 和 the entire 产后大出血 curriculum. All 产后大出血 students—not just pre-medical 和 pre-牙科 students—also receive administrative assistance in submitting letters of recommendation to the relevant admission portals for schools in their chosen discipline.


通往研究生培训计划的道路对每个学生和每个专业都是不同的. 下面的链接总结了一些最常见的专业预科课程的主要特点. 请浏览 pph网站 有关专业预科课程的更多详细信息.






Your pre-professional coordinator 和 faculty advisors attend annual meetings of the National Association of Advisors for the 健康 Professions.

They also meet with admissions counselors 和 deans from professional schools to ensure that you are competitive for these professional programs.